EILO WENT to budapest
19 AND 20 october
The community grows!
With a group of over 60 people from – as usual – 13 countries, this was the biggest excursion ever. It was also the first excursion to an Eastern European country and city. Beautiful Budapest welcomed us with great weather, lovely people, great dedication to the organisation by both Kálmán Büki from Plantart and Támas Koltai from Grofie and green projects of fabulous quality.
thE SYMPOSIUM and Award ceremony ON THURSDAY 19 october

Erik Bracke from Dawork Plants
Erik’s company has developed software to help interior landscaping companies with managing their maintenance work flow, employees and planning routes to all locations. It caters to all wishes: hour registration, plant replacement, people replacement, workorder change, communication with the team, the client etc.
Most of it was presented in a live demo. Our audience was critical but positive.
sustainability in a business world
Barbara Angeli from a.o. Restaurant 26
Barbara inspired us from start to finish with her presentation. She has several enterprises, most of them working together around two big themes: health and sustainability. You having a cocktail in her fabulous restaurant 26, will lead to one of her other companies plant a tree. The food of her farm goes to the restaurant etc. It is her mission to be a leader showing how to make a healthy profit without exploiting people, planet and resources.
Virtual imaging is a real world
Jan Verwoerd from 360 degrees Fabriek/Factory
Jan was a great communicator because he managed to take us – laymen & -women – within minutes into the wonders and limitations of 3d imaging generation and its possibilities for the interior planting world.
What if you could show your clients how the design would look like before even deciding upon it? This is a very realistic option now. Especially with AI playing with us in this field now.
The beginning and the end
Benoit Pelleriaux and Marieke Karssen
At the start of the symposium Benoit gave his last speech as EILO chair and Marieke led the whole programme and the discussion about the future.
The symposium ended with handing out prizes to the 15 winners of EILO’s Best Project Awards 2023
the excursions on Friday 20 october
This huge bank was tastefully clad in perfectly maintained plants. Everywhere you looked you saw new spots with plants that were, as many of the participants commented, living a very healthy life.

From the outskirts of Budapest we travelled back to the center of 19th century Budapest glory days, the very green Bosculo Hotel, that was actually attached to the famous New York Cafe.

A totally green lunch at restaurant 26
This place was awesome. The food was incredible, and the sheer amount of plants everywhere around you lifted the place up to a whole new concept of lifeliness. We were confirmed that this was indeed a great challenge to maintain, but the result creates a space beyond anything we ever experienced outside a greenhouse.

A sneak preview of the rebuild of hotel dorothea
In this five star top hotel nothing was left to chance. The best materials and the nicest plants were used.

On our way to a great dinner
On our way to our wonderful dinner at the Etyrek restaurant in a green greenhouse, we took a quick look at the garden of the Museum of Etymology and The House of Music.

You can find all pictures that were made by the team or already given to us on this Google Photo album.
Did you make pictures and do you want to share them? Please send a wetransfer with high resolution pictures to info@eilo.eu. or add them directly to the Google Photo album.