great green interiors of Holland

26 and 27 september 2024

Visit some of the best award winning projects and listen to presentations about your trade!

The Netherlands is small, and full of cities and offices. Together that makes a perfect foundation for the development of great interior landscaping skills and the possibility to visit a lot of them within two days. Just think about Booking’s headquarters, Jakarta Hotel, Next, Central Park or a visit to the nurseries of Fachjan and Nieuwk0op.

We will stay in the lovely old univercity city of Leiden. Not only full of canals, nice pubs and restaurants, but also with an excellent train connection to Schiphol Airport, and the city centers of Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and other Dutch cities.

The final reason to go to the Netherlands this year is the possibility to combine your visit with the large Future Green City conference that is held from 23-26 september in Utrecht. This is not relevant to all interior planters, but for some it can be an interesting combination to make.

one of the projects we will visit
one of the projects we will visit

The programme

Thursday 26 september

For everyone who has been on EILO excursions before: we are changing the order of activities. In stead of the symposium on thursday and a very long day in busses and trains on friday, we have two excursion moments, one on thursday afternoon and one on friday afternoon.


09.00 Start of bus trip to big plant and tree nursery Nieuwkoop

12.00 / Noon

Lunch in hotel Golden Tulip in Leiden
Start of bus trip to big tree nursery Fachjan, Zuidkoop and the lovely green project Next in the university city of Delft
Return to hotel: drinks and dinner at the hotel.


friday 27 september

Symposium in the hotel.

08.30Opening by the EILO chairman
08.45Nico Wissing, from NL Greenlabel, will tell about organizing sustainability requirements in the chain and certifying them
09.30Iryna Pakhomova will give a talk about the super complete interior planting software from One Big Green
10.00coffee break
10.30Manuela Grubesic from Donkergroen explains all about the amazing and complex AFAS Dome Theatre Project
11.15Bas Hensen from Indoor Green Lighting will explain how living plants also can work in dark situations by using ingenious indoor lighting solutions.
11.45Closing of symposium


12.00 / Noon
Lunch in hotel

By train to Amsterdam and visit of Hotel Jakarta and Booking Headquarters. Followed by a train trip to Utrecht where we will visit Central Park and then walk by the already famous Wonder Woods project.

We will then travel back by train or bus to our dinner location.

Please note: the cost of the excursion does include all lunches, and drinks and dinners on the thursday and friday. But, the fee does not include accommodation costs. All excursions, drinks and dinner on the first day and symposium and lunch on the second day start or are in the Golden Tulip Hotel in Leiden Centre. If you want to book The Golden Tulip Hotel Leiden Centre, you can send a mail to mentioning the word EILO. The hotel can then give you a discount on the price. Single rooms are from 179 to 189 euro including breakfast and double rooms from 199 till 209. If you are looking for more budget friendly rooms, just book you stay for example at the IBIS hotel near by.
Tip: if you bring your partner, he or she can join us for drinks and dinner on each evening and from this year onwards you can add this directly to your reservation. 

Booking is no longer possible – all seats have been taken.

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